
Plugin keyboard Plugin

---- plugin ----
description: Marks text as keyboard keys
author     : Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge)
email      : freaks@dokuwiki.org
type       : syntax
lastupdate : 2018-08-09
compatible : 2006-03-09, 2006-11-06, 2009-12-25 "Lemming", 2010-11-07 "Anteater", 2011-05-25 "Rincewind", "Angua", 2014-09-29 "Hrun", "Detritus", 2017-02-19a "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo"
depends    : 
conflicts  : 
similar    : 
tags       : keyboard, odt, pdf

downloadurl: https://github.com/dokufreaks/plugin-keyboard/archive/master.zip
sourcerepo : https://github.com/dokufreaks/plugin-keyboard
bugtracker : https://github.com/dokufreaks/plugin-keyboard/issues
screenshot_img : https://github.com/dokufreaks/plugin-keyboard/raw/master/KeyboardScreenshot.png

Should work as-is, no longer actively maintained by original author.

Works well with the dw2pdf plugin and the odt plugin.

Use the tag to mark some text as keyboad keys. E.g.: <code> This displays the keys ALT + H. </code> This will create the following output: —- Example screenshot —- Alternatively the tag <kbd> can be used in accordance to the HTML element: <code> This displays the keys ALT + H. </code> ==== Short form ==== The shorter form to write the key combination ALT+H is: <code> This displays the keys ALT+H. </code> Separator signs for the short form can be + or -. In both cases the rendered sign between the keys will be a +. So in general it does not make a difference if + or - is used. But it does make a difference if you want to include a + or - as a key and not as a separator. If you would like to render the key combination ALT++ then you should write: <code>ALT++</code> If you would like to render the key combination ALT+- then you should write: <code>ALT+-</code> ==== Escape mechanism ==== Since release 2018-08-09 it is possible to surround keys with '…'. All keys enclosed in '…' will be displayed as-is without interpreting + or -'' as separators. Here is an example: <code> <kbd>'ALT+H' </code> This example would display “ALT+H” as a single key instead of two keys: “ALT” + “H”. ==== Specify CSS class ==== If you like to vary the look with each given key sequence you can also specify a CSS class like this: <code>ALT+H</code> ==== Short cuts ==== Some keys like the letter C are short cuts which will be expanded to a translated key name. For example ALT+Ctrl will show the same result as if you entered ALT+Ctrl. If you want to suppress this behaviour then include the letter between two '. E.g. if you really want to show the letter C instead of Ctrl then write ALT+C. ===== Configuration ===== The following configuration options exist: disable_translation — if this option is activated then all translations and short cuts are deactivated. The given keys will be displayed “as-is”. css_class — the CSS class to use if no class is given in the syntax tag. There are two built-in classes: For the standard look enter: <code>keyboard</code> For a look similar to the MediaWiki keypress template enter: <code>keyboard_keypress</code> You can also enter user defined CSS classes which e.g. could be defined in conf/userstyle.css, see customizing_templates. ===== Development ===== Changes:

===== Add LaTeX support ==== You can enhance this plugin to be used with different LaTeX export plugins. Otherwise the LaTeX export will (most likely) simply skip/ignore the keys. ==== dokutexit support ==== If you want to use this package with dokutexit, you can easily add latex-support: add the following after line 105 in “syntax.php”: <code php add-this-for-dokutexit-support.php> if ($mode == 'latex') { list($state, $match) = $data; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $renderer→doc .= '\framebox{'; break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : foreach ($match as $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 1) == “'” and substr($key, -1, 1) == “'” and strlen($key) > 1) { $out[] = $renderer→_xmlEntities(substr($key,1,-1)); } else { if (isset($lang[$key])) { $out[] = $lang[$key]; } else { $out[] = $renderer→_xmlEntities(ucfirst($key)); } } } $renderer→doc .= implode('} + \framebox{', $out); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $renderer→doc .= '}'; break; } return true; } </code> ==== latexit support ==== If you want to use this package with latexit, add the following after line 105 in “syntax.php”: <code php add-this-for-latexit-support.php> if ($mode == 'latex') { list($state, $match) = $data; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $renderer→doc .= '\framebox{'; break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : foreach ($match as $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 1) == “'” and substr($key, -1, 1) == “'” and strlen($key) > 1) { $out[] = $renderer→_latexSpecialChars(substr($key,1,-1)); } else { if (isset($lang[$key])) { $out[] = $lang[$key]; } else { $out[] = $renderer→_latexSpecialChars(ucfirst($key)); } } } $renderer→doc .= implode('} + \framebox{', $out); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $renderer→doc .= '}'; break; } return true; } </code> ===== Translations ===== The plugin is available in the languages German, English, French, Korean and Chinese. ===== Issues/Requests ===== Please report any issues or requests on the GitHub issue tracker.

  • wiki/keyboard.txt
  • Dernière modification: 06/06/2019/ 18:38
  • par Geco-iT Administrator